Al Haramain

A brand overhaul creating waves

Beyond Brewery

Preserving 25 years of legacy while integrating a modern, contemporary touch presented a unique challenge.

The school’s strong legacy attracted many high school admissions, but they struggled to replicate the success in primary and nursery levels. The challenge was clear: transform the institution into a top choice for pre-schoolers while ensuring their alumni network, parents and current students were satisfied with the brand refresh.

We aimed to honor the school's legacy while creating a strong connection with today’s generation of learners. The plan was a complete brand overhaul while introducing a holistic montessori - Ripples.

We executed a comprehensive rebranding that included refreshing the logo, ID cards, uniforms, and introducing a new paint concept. The logo was inspired by Arabic architectural patterns, symbolizing the source of energy. It features seven waves, representing the seven days of the week, signifying the harmony of the student community. Overall, the design resembles a lotus, embodying the students’ openness to learning and positive attitude. This transformation highlights the institution’s commitment to fostering unity and growth among its learners.

A renewed perspective brought about both joy and tangible results.

MJBC successfully completed another project, achieving all set objectives. The school’s refreshed outlook led to decreased attrition rates and increased admissions. The Montessori approach enhanced goodwill and encouraged parents to enroll their children from the grassroots level. Although the project presented challenges, MJBC demonstrated resilience throughout the process, ultimately delivering positive outcomes for the institution..

Elevating the brand to new heights with impeccable design and strategy.

Elevating the brand to new heights with impeccable design and strategy.

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